Friday, October 10, 2008

So there ARE still nice folks out there

Cooper loves to walk in the stroller. And what better way to get myself some exercise, because we all know I hate exercise. When I take Cooper for walks in the stroller we trot down the street in front of our house. The problem is our street is very busy. We live 2 miles south of town so it's basically out in the country. The speed limit sign says 30, but very few people actually drive 30. I started walking during the day time when there isn't as much traffic to minimize the risk of getting hit.

Cooper and I walk 2 miles round trip which usually takes us about 35-40 mins. Cars whiz by us so fast and sometimes so close that drivers realize that us pedestrians are there and have to quickly move out of the way. I know that when Coop and I start out on our walk that it is practically a brush with death. But this week the nicest thing happened. As we were on our way back home on what seems to be the longest 2 miles ever I hear this car coming. As I usually do, I turned around to make sure it was on the other side of the road so that it wouldn't hit us. It was a truck that got right beside me and stopped. The truck was either a construction workers truck or a utility workers truck. You know, one of those with the yellow light on top. So this man says, "Hey do me a favor and wear this so people can see you"and he tosses me this neon yellow package. I said, "Thank you" and he replied with "no problem" and drove away. I opened the package and it was one of those neon yellow vests that you see construction folks wearing while they're working on the side of the road. I opened it up and put that sucker on. For the rest of my walk which lasted about 20 mins I got the strangest looks. And I must admit it probably was a sight to see. Me, in my pajama pants pushing a baby stroller wearing a construction worker vest. Sure, I felt a little stupid wearing the thing but with every strange glance I got, I thought to myself, "hey this thing is working! People can see me!"

So to the nice construction/utility man, thank you for tossing me that vest. I no longer feel as if I am risking my life while walking my baby. So from now on I will proudly wear that vest every time Cooper and I go on our walk. See there are still nice people out there!

"I'm walking on sunshine.." - Katrina & the Waves

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